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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Q:What is TACTRI certification?

The institute is under the auspices of the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan. TACTRI, more specifically is responsible for developing pesticide research, monitoring pesticide residues and toxic substances in agricultural products, developing plant protection technologies, providing technical services, and establishing evaluation methods and guidelines to control pesticides.

Q:What is SGS certification?

A:SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. Recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity employing over 50,000 people and operating a network of more than 1,000 offices and laboratories around the world.SGS is constantly looking beyond customers’ and society’s expectations in order to deliver market leading services wherever they are needed. As the leader in providing specialized business solutions that improve quality, safety and productivity and reduce risk; helping customers to navigate an increasingly regulated world. SGS independent services add significant value to customers’ operations and ensure business sustainability.

Q: Do this product need any special license to be imported into Singapore?

AGRI-FOOD AND VETERINARY AUTHORITY of Singapore does not require any special license to import ACR Bag. The HS and Product Code provided by AVA are 39249090 and ZZA0E0Z0000 respectively. We are registered with AVA as an importer as these products is intended for the storage of fruits and vegetables

Q:Does BioSum ACR Bag materials contain any toxic element? 原料有沒有毒?

A:BioSum ACR bag is made of material that does not contain arsenic, cadmium, mercury and lead content. ACR Bag is non-toxic.

A:BioSum 健康蔬果袋原料無毒,不含砷、鎘、汞、鉛等有毒重金屬成分。

Q:Which kind of light is effective? 什麼樣的光線才有效?

A: ACR Bag is effective for use under light condition in the day, night, indoor and outdoor. Light Spectrum is divided into visible light and invisible light. Even at night there is invisible light such as ultraviolet and infrared light. Although daylight and outdoor lighting is stronger and can expedite the decomposition effect; care should be taken if the temperature is too high as such condition can destroy fruits and vegetables originality. Do not put the bag direct under sun to ensure fruit and vegetable freshness.


Q:Does the photocatalyst used in BioSum ACR Bag has similar properties as those used in air-con or air-purifier? BioSum健康蔬果袋所用的光觸媒,與一般冷氣、空氣濾清器所用的光觸媒?

A: Most photocatalyst uses silver or titanium oxide with ensuing effect as deodorant, sterilization and bacteria suppression. BioSum ACR Bag is composed of 18 unique types of raw materials to not only deliver those ensuing effects but also decompose toxic ingredients of pesticides residue within the pulp of fruits and vegetables.

A:一般光觸媒多半是以銀粉或二氧化鈦為原料,效果僅止於除臭、殺菌和抑制病毒。BioSum 健康蔬果袋用了18種配方為原料,更可分解農藥中的劇毒成分,效果深達果肉內部。這是一般光觸媒所無法做到的。

Q:What is the life span of BioSum ACR Bag ? BioSum 健康蔬果袋使用有效期限多長?

A: From the exterior, this bag look like a normal PP shopping bag -- durable and long lasting. Using transparent plastic bag will avoid abrasion with the special ingredients of photocatalyst coated inside the bag. This is to prevent excessive wear and tearing off the photocatalyst coatings. As long as the photocatalyst coating exist, the pesticide residue decompose effectiveness will not deteriorate. Recommendations usage of ACR Bag is about six months to yield the best result.


Q: How to use ACR Bag? How long it will take to remove the pesticide residue? 如何使用?除農藥過程需要多久?

A: Place fruits and vegetables directly into ACR bag. Try to keep them dry. Keep the bag in the place expose to light, preferably under natural light condition is the most effective; however not under direct sun exposure to maintain their freshness. Open the mouth of the plastic bag to allow decomposition to disperse naturally into the air. Recommendation is 3 hours or more to decompose most pesticides residue. Thereafter, put them in the refrigerator to maintain their freshness. Just wash them normally prior to consumption. No soaking with water needed. The better the decomposition effect will be when place them longer in the ACR Bag.


Q:Why BioSum ACR Bag can remove the pesticide residue inside fruit/vegetable? 為什麼BioSum 健康蔬果袋分解農藥效果可深達果肉部分?

A: Generally, available products in the market rely on water for detergent washing or electricity for ozone to be effective on fruits and vegetable; whereas photocatalyst utilize light alone for penetrations. Light such as Ultraviolet rays can go through glass, curtains and so on; infrared can enter into permeable walls and be used for military reconnaissance. Thus, BioSum ACR Bag using photocatalyst to generate special frequency waves can penetrate flesh and causing decomposition of the pesticides residue.


Q:What is the difference between BioSum ACR Bag, pesticide detergent & Ozone for reducing pesticide residual? BioSum 健康蔬果袋與一般浸泡劑或臭氧機有何不同?

A:In general, available product in the market claim able to reduce pesticides residue typically uses water or ozone properties. These products can only impact on the epidermis or outer skin of fruits and vegetables.

Pesticides are typically deposited onto fruits and vegetables in following three groupings: 1. Dehydrated and dried-up pesticide attaching on the surface 2. Pesticide penetrating through wax and accumulate between the wax and the surface.
3. Pesticide absorbed through the roots and scattered into every part of the plant
Today, pesticides are generally deposited by above grouping 2 and 3; thereby resulting as pesticide residue remaining within fruits and vegetable. BioSum ACR Bag truly the only available product in today’s market able to penetrate and decompose pesticide residue remaining within fruits and vegetable.


1. 形成乾膜附著於植物表面
2. 穿過植物表面蠟質部分而累積於作物表層
3. 由根部組織吸收而輸送到植物體每一部份

現在的蔬果農藥殘留大部分屬於第2、3種,因此蔬果內部都有農藥殘留。而BioSum 健康蔬果袋是目前唯一分解農藥效果可深達蔬果內部的產品。

Q:What is the theory of BioSum ACR Bag ? BioSum 健康蔬果袋是什麼原理?

A: Raw materials used by BioSum ACR Bag is “sub-nanometer photocatalyst" and is finer than 10-9 molecular materials. When matter is as small as 1 to 100 nanometers, many of its features will easily change and have many unique features both different from macro-matters and single atoms due to the quanta effect, regional confinement of matter, and huge surface or interface effects. The final objective of nanometer technology is to produce products of special functions with new physical and chemical features by making atoms, molecules and matters presenting their features directly in the length of a nanometer: for example, the strength of ten times of iron could be very light, all information in a library could be stored in a chip the size of a sugar cube, and tumors the sizes of only several cells can be detected.

Theoretically, when photocatalyst absorbs radiation from sunlight or illuminated light source (like fluorescent lamps), it will produce pairs of electrons and holes. The electron of the valence band becomes excited when illuminated by light. The excess energy of this excited electron promoted the electron to the conduction band therefore creating the negative-electron (e-) and positive-hole (h+) pair. This stage is referred as the semiconductor's 'photo-excitation' state.

Simply speaking, ACR Bag absorbs light and produces energy to excite the bag’s inner coating elements to build into a specific energy wave frequency to break the toxic chemical bond residue in fruits and vegetables so as to decompose their toxic elements.

A:BioSum 健康蔬果袋原料為”次奈米光觸媒”,是一種比10-9還要細微分子材料,它就像宇宙的黑洞一樣,能吸收光線,產生能源,讓周圍分子產生劇烈運動,其特定波頻可以打斷蔬果農藥中有毒物質的分子鍵,使其毒性分解消失。其實,它就是太陽能的一種運用。一般說來,光觸媒是利用光來加快化學反應的速度。植物中的葉綠素是一種典型的天然光觸媒。葉綠素與人為納米光觸媒之間的差異:葉綠素吸收陽光把水和二氧化碳變成氧氣和葡萄糖,但相反的納米光觸媒產生強大氧化作用將有機物分解為二氧化碳和水。

Q:What is Nanometer? 什麼是次奈米?What is Photocatalyst?什麼是光觸媒?

A: Nanometer (nm) -- length of the unit is 10-9 meters. For most cases when particle size is in the range of 1-100 nm, this is claim as nanometer. The uses of nanotechnology will greatly change the lives of human beings in the future. Scientists termed them as the world's third industrial revolution. Measurement of less than 10-9 meters is known as sub-nanometer.

Generally speaking, photocatalyst is the substance which can modify the rate of chemical reaction using light irradiation.Chlorophyll of plants is a typical natural photocatalyst. The difference between chlorophyll photocatalyst to man-made nanotechnology photocatalyst (here mentioned as photocatalyst) is, usually chlorophyll captures sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide into oxygen and glucose, but on the contrary photocatalyst creates strong oxidation agent and electronic holes to breakdown organic matter to carbon dioxide and water in the presence of photocatalyst, light and water.

A:奈米(nano meter)是10-9公尺長度單位。當一種物質之粒徑大小介於1-100奈米時,可冠上奈米。奈米科技的運用將大大改變人類今後的生活,科學家稱之為世界第三次工業革命。粒徑小於10-9公尺稱為次奈米。光觸媒 (photocatalyst) 是以光為催化劑的一種材料,它就像宇宙的黑洞一樣,能吸收光線產生能源,讓周圍分子產生劇烈運動,以分解周圍對環境及人體有害的有機物質。

Q:How to proof BioSum ACR Bag enabling technology is really working?如何知道它有沒有效?

A: Pesticides residue in fruits and vegetable is not tangible and is difficult to identify with the naked eye whether if it exists. There are as much as 600 types of approved pesticide identified and much more variety to almost unaccountable as a result of unauthorized mix and manufacture by farmers. The structure of pesticide is very complex and very difficult to decompose. In fact, some pesticide is either powerful acidic or alkaline base. Even though the naked eye seen the changing color of analyzed resultant filtered paper does not infer that pesticides were decomposed. Should the numerous inspection reports accredited by SGS is still causing doubts and skeptical about ACR enabling technology, please feel free to direct further testing using spectrometer analysis equipment on pesticide residue before and after treated by BioSum ACR bag. Another simple test to check ACR Bag technological marvel is to put one glass of fruit juice (say orange or lime) or plain water or any alcoholic liquor into the ACR Bag for 10 to 15 minutes. Thereafter, such drink will be totally different and will be an enjoyable taste.

A:農藥是看不到、摸不著的東西,很難用肉眼辨識它是否存在。 坊間許多浸泡劑大多利用強鹼中和酸性物質,所以肉眼可看到水顏色改變。農藥種類有幾千種之多,我國合法且經常使用的就有600多種,加上非法製造的,更不勝枚舉,農藥結構很複雜,要分解它 談何容易?其實農藥有的是強酸,有的是強鹼,就算肉眼看到水或試紙變色,不代表農藥已分解。除了SGS檢驗報告外,若您還是不放心,可將經由BioSum健康蔬果袋分解前、後的蔬果洽有大型光譜儀設備之檢驗單位檢驗。另外,也可以用透明杯或瓶裝入果汁、酒或水,放入健康蔬果袋內,經過10~15分鐘後,果汁之酸味會減少,酒的辛辣及生澀味會降低,口感變得香醇好喝,水的口感會軟化,證明確實有作用。

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